Japan Foundry Engineering Society

About of JFS

The Japan Foundry engineering Society (JFS) was established in May, 1932.The current membership consists of more than 300 companies and 3,000 personal members. The JFS is a member of World Foundry Organization (WFO : http://www.thewfo.com/) and has participated in the international castmeeting.

The society contributes to development of the learning about casting of our country, progress oftechnology, improvement, and the casting industry accompanying it greatly through exchange ofresearch activities or technology, and spread.


<Issue of the academic journal “Journal ofJFS”>

Journal of Japan Foundry Engineering Society is published monthly. The newest research paperabout casting which is useful to a researcher, an engineer, and a manager, a technical report, areview paper, a lecture, factory introduction, field techniques(Kaizen), etc. are published.

<JFS Meeting>

Spring and autumnare holding the meeting twice. In this meeting, research presentation, technicalschool, symposiumYoung Foundrymen’s Engineering (YFE) meeting, excursion, factory tour meeting, and exhibition are held.

<Research section meeting activity>

The research section meeting of 11 is prepared. The research and investigation by a specialist are conducted actively. The result of the activity is published as a research report, and symposium isheld.

<Exchange of foundry technology>

The award memorial lecture meeting of a technical prize and Toyota prizes held. Moreover, thefactory tour meeting is held several times per year.

<Implementation of society commendation>

Ten kinds of commendation including theJFS grand-prix are performed to the member who wasable to mention outstanding achievements every year.

<Branch activity>

Eight branches of Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Tokai, Hokuriku, Kansai, Cyugokushikoku and Kyushuare organized. Lecture meeting, school, factory tour meeting, YFE meeting, etc. are briskly held an each branch unit.